Our Four Pillars

Our actions are rooted in four distinct goals

For years, Trinity focused our efforts Upward toward God, Inward on increasing our faith, and Outward in service to our neighbors. We still have those same focuses, now with a new way of going about them through four goals.

  • Worship Upward - Upward

    We want to find new ways to worship the Lord and praise Him outside of Sunday Morning.  We're recruiting for band members so we can re-start our fully contemporary worship service. Plus, the Lord is everywhere! This building can't hold HIM - let's go be with him OUT THERE in the community - looking for people who want to join us!

  • Uncommon Relationships - Outward & Inward

    Not only do we want to meet people of all backgrounds, but we want to understand where they're at, open communication, and make everyone feel welcome and loved. We need the Holy Spirit to help us. In what ways can we better connect to our neighbors in this way? Look for upcoming ideas - send some!

  • Transformational Discipleship - Inward

    Like our home page says, we're diving in! We want to dive deep into the depths of the Lord's will and grace, learning more than could be imagined, and bring others along with us. The number of subjects is endless, and the "how" can turn into a fun journey all its own. 

  • Surprising Service - Outward

    We've never lacked for service opportunities to the poor - we've been caring for our homeless and under-resourced neighbors for over 50 years. But what about our other neighbors?? People of all income levels have trials, fears, hopelessness too - how can we show the Lord's unconditional love to you as well, and help you break the bonds of sin in your life? We want to work with other community partners and connect more with all the lost and found of Cleveland.

in the end...

is there ever an end?

We invite you to explore all of what the Holy Trinity has to offer, to be a part of a new era of relating to people, truly loving, praying, learning, praising, being. The interested are welcome - ideas are welcome - the Lord awaits your presence with open arms, and so do WE!  We hope to see you, or hear from you soon.